Thank you for contacting Heartful Editor—we look forward to supporting you on your project!


Heartful Editor works with scholars of all skill levels on a wide range of projects and at various stages of the writing process. To get started, please select the appropriate project type—or select “Other” if you need support on a project type not listed here!

Thesis, Capstone, or Dissertation: Are you a master’s or doctoral student in need of academic writing coaching and/or APA editing and formatting support on your thesis, capstone, or dissertation? We work with master’s and doctoral students from all campuses, including students who attend our partner campuses.

Manuscript for Publication: Are you a student or faculty member in need of academic writing coaching and/or APA editing and formatting support on a manuscript for publication? We work with scholars of all skill levels to prepare their manuscript for publication, including aligning the manuscript with a publisher formatting standards.

Career or Application Materials: Do you need support on application materials for a master’s or doctoral program, or are you looking for support on your career materials for your next academic or professional position? We provide support on resumes, curriculum vita, cover letters, tenure review materials, graduate program applications, and more!

Course Paper or Project: Are you a master’s or doctoral student looking for academic writing coaching and/or APA editing and formatting support on a course paper or project? We can provide guidance on a single project or long-term support on multiple course papers and projects depending on the level of support you feel you need!

Other: If your project does not fit within one of these categories, please let us know more about the support you need, and we will be in touch to gather more details and determine how we can best help you meet your academic and professional goals!

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